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Artikler som begynner med H

Huskeliste for pensjon som offentlig ansatt
Huskeliste for pensjon som offentlig ansatt

27 mai 2015
  • Jobbe lenger enn til 67 år? Det er store forskjeller mellom offentlig og privat tjenestepensjon når det gjelder hvor lenge du kan jobbe uten at det får konsekvenser for pensjonen din. Effekten er avhengig av hvilken situasjon du er i når du ønsker å pensjonere deg.

How Do Subjective Longevity Expectations Influence Retirement Plans?
How Do Subjective Longevity Expectations Influence Retirement Plans?

25 mai 2015
  • Increasing life expectancy has made working longer both more necessary and more possible, but the relationship between an individual’s survival expectations and his planned retirement age is unclear in the existing literature. This study uses the Health and Retirement Study and an instrumental variables (IV) approach to examine how subjective life expectancy influences planned retirement ages and expectations of working at older ages, and how individuals update those expectations when they receive new information.

How Will Longer Lifespans Affect State and Local Pension Funding?
How Will Longer Lifespans Affect State and Local Pension Funding?

16 april 2015
  • Rising life expectancy makes defined benefit pension plans more expensive.The question is the extent to which state and local plans have already incorporated rising life expectancy into their cost estimates.

Hva bør pensjonsaldersgrensen være?
Hva bør pensjonsaldersgrensen være?

06 mars 2015
  • Forsikringsforeningen inviterer 18. mars til debatt om pensjonsaldersgrensen. Regjeringen har foreslått å øke pensjonsalderen i arbeidsmiljøloven fra 70 til 72 år. Reaksjonene på forslaget har vært blandet – Finans Norge ønsker å beholde adgangen til å ha bedriftsintern aldersgrense på 67 år, LO ønsker ikke at pensjonsalderen økes, mens YS gjerne hadde sett at den ble øket til 75 år.

How Do Financial Resources Affect the Timing of Retirement after a Job Separation?
How Do Financial Resources Affect the Timing of Retirement after a Job Separation?

03 mars 2015
  • This study uses the Survey of Income and Program Participation to examine the decision to retire after a job separation among the increasing number of older individuals who leave a job between 55 and 70, and how this decision varies by labor market conditions and the resources available to the unemployed.

Hva skjer med pensjonen når du skifter jobb?
Hva skjer med pensjonen når du skifter jobb?

25 februar 2015
  • Om lag 15 prosent av arbeidstakerne skifter jobb hvert år. Jobbskifte kan føre til store og uventede økonomiske konsekvenser for pensjonen. Det er derfor smart å kjenne sine pensjonsrettigheter gjennom hele yrkeskarrieren.

Hold av 20. mars - Møte i Pensjonsforum – Etter Banklovkommisjonen – hva nå? Invitasjon kommer!
Hold av 20. mars - Møte i Pensjonsforum – Etter Banklovkommisjonen – hva nå? Invitasjon kommer!

18 februar 2015
  • En svært omfattende lov-prosess ligger snart bak oss. Med Banklovkommisjonens nye forslag til varig ytelsespensjon faller den siste brikken i den nye produktreguleringen på plass. 20. mars holdes det møte i Pensjonsforum: Etter Banklovkommisjonen – hva nå?

    Hold av datoen - invitasjonen til møtet kommer innen kort tid.

How do retirement dynamics influence mental well-being in later life? A 10-year panel study
How do retirement dynamics influence mental well-being in later life? A 10-year panel study

22 januar 2015
  • Empirical studies have consistently shown the negative impact of involuntary retirement on mental well-being. However, few studies have thus far investigated the degree to which post-retirement work affects late-life outcomes.

How Does Aging Affect Financial Decision Making?
How Does Aging Affect Financial Decision Making?

20 januar 2015
  • With the shift from traditional pensions to 401(k) plans, the welfare of retirees depends increasingly on their ability to make sound financial decisions.Using a dataset that follows a group of older individuals in the Chicago area, the analysis examines how aging affects financial decision making.

Household Consumption at Retirement: A Regression Discontinuity Study on French Data
Household Consumption at Retirement: A Regression Discontinuity Study on French Data

16 januar 2015
  • Earlier literature has investigated the drop in household consumption upon retirement of the head of the household, the so-called "retirement consumption puzzle".

Health Status, Disability and Retirement Incentives in Belgium
Health Status, Disability and Retirement Incentives in Belgium

14 januar 2015
  • Many Belgian retire well before the statutory retirement age. Numerous exit routes from the labor force can be identified: old-age pensions, conventional early retirement, disability insurance, and unemployment insurance are the most prominent ones.

How complex are the decisions that pension savers need to make at retirement?
How complex are the decisions that pension savers need to make at retirement?

07 januar 2015
  • With automatic enrolment now well under way and around 9 million employees expected to be newly saving or saving more in pension schemes by 2018, there has been increasing focus on the design and quality of Defined Contribution (DC) schemes. So far the focus has mainly been on the accrual stage, employer contribution levels, the design of default investment strategies, and the level and transparency of charges.