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Artikler som begynner med H

How Do Job Skills That Decline With Age Affect White-Collar Workers?
How Do Job Skills That Decline With Age Affect White-Collar Workers?

02 mai 2017
  • As people age, their reaction times slow, flexibility diminishes, and strength declines. These changes in physical and sensory abilities are easy to spot. Thus, research on retirement timing assumes that people in blue-collar jobs, which often rely on these abilities, will retire relatively early. Conversely, researchers often assume that white-collar workers can retire later. But the cognitive abilities needed for many white-collar jobs, like memory and mental speed, also decline with age. And some white-collar jobs also rely on physical or sensory abilities – for example, oral surgeons must have dexterous fingers, steady hands, and excellent eyesight. These observations raise an obvious question: can all white-collar workers remain productive well into their sixties and, if not, which jobs are most vulnerable to age-related decline?

    To answer these questions, this brief presents a “Susceptibility Index,” which measures how likely the physical and cognitive abilities required by an occupation are to decline during the working years.


Høyere kapitalkrav for pensjonskasser gir store kostnader
Høyere kapitalkrav for pensjonskasser gir store kostnader

18 desember 2016
  • Våren 2016 ble Jon Hippe fra Fafo og undertegnede presentert for en for meg ny problemstilling. Hva er de økonomiske effekten av å stille høyere kapitalkrav til norske pensjonskasser, i tråd med Solvens II? Oppdragsgiver var Pensjonskasseforeningen, på vegne av en rekke interesserte aktører.


Hva kreves for å motta uføretrygd?
Hva kreves for å motta uføretrygd?

27 september 2016
  • Vilkårene for å få innvilget uføretrygd er beskrevet i kapittel 12 i folketrygdloven. I denne artikkelen får du en oppsummering av de fem vilkårene.

Hva skjer med pensjonen når du skifter jobb?
Hva skjer med pensjonen når du skifter jobb?

15 september 2016
  • Om lag 15 prosent av arbeidstakerne bytter jobb hvert år. Jobbskifte kan føre til store og uventede økonomiske konsekvenser for pensjonen. Det er derfor smart å kjenne sine pensjonsrettigheter gjennom hele yrkeskarrieren.

How Work & Marriage Trends Affect Social Security’s Family Benefits
How Work & Marriage Trends Affect Social Security’s Family Benefits

22 juni 2016
  • Social Security aims to provide retirees a basic old-age income after a lifetime of work. Monthly benefits were designed to replace a greater share of the earnings of low-wage workers, who spend a greater share of their income on necessities than high-wage workers. Social Security likewise includes spousal and survivor benefits. These “family benefits” were designed for the standard family unit when the program was created in the 1930s – a married couple in which the husband was the breadwinner and the wife a homemaker.

How Sensitive Are Individual Retirement Expectations to Raising the Retirement Age?
How Sensitive Are Individual Retirement Expectations to Raising the Retirement Age?

23 mai 2016
  • This paper investigates the causal effects of the announcement of an increase in the statutory pension age on employee retirement expectations. In June 2010, the Dutch government signed a new pension agreement with the employer and employee organizations that entailed an increase in the statutory pension age from 65 currently to 66 in 2020 for all inhabitants born after 1954. Given the expected increase in average life expectancy, it was also decided that in 2025 the pension age would be further increased to 67 for those born after 1959. This new pension agreement received huge media coverage.

Hvor høy avkastning bør det forutsettes i innskudds- pensjon?
Hvor høy avkastning bør det forutsettes i innskudds- pensjon?

02 mai 2016
  • Når arbeidsgiver godt hjulpet av en pensjonsrådgiver vil bytte til innskuddspensjon, blir de tilitsvalgte ofte vist regnestykker som legger til grunn for høy avkastning av pensjonskapitalen. Det gir høyere pensjon enn det er grunn til å forvente.

How Do Job Skills That Decline With Age Affect White-Collar Workers?
How Do Job Skills That Decline With Age Affect White-Collar Workers?

18 april 2016
  • As people age, their reaction times slow, flexibility diminishes, and strength declines. These changes in physical and sensory abilities are easy to spot. Thus, research on retirement timing assumes that people in blue-collar jobs, which often rely on these abilities, will retire relatively early. Conversely, researchers often assume that white-collar workers can retire later. But the cognitive abilities needed for many white-collar jobs, like memory and mental speed, also decline with age.

How do people spend their time before and after retirement?
How do people spend their time before and after retirement?

11 mars 2016
  • This paper presents evidence on how time use changes with age and retirement and discusses implications for pension design. The study is based on a sample of participants aged between 45 and 90 who are representative for the Dutch population.

Hva skjer med pensjon i vårens tariffoppgjør?
Hva skjer med pensjon i vårens tariffoppgjør?

25 februar 2016
  • Forsikringsforeningen inviterer til medlemsmøte 2. mars der ulike utredninger om pensjon blir presentert.

How Do Non-Financial Factors Affect Retirement Decisions?
How Do Non-Financial Factors Affect Retirement Decisions?

22 februar 2016
  • Financial factors clearly influence retirement decisions, as everyone would like to have sufficient income when they leave the workforce. But numerous studies find that such factors are only a small part of the story. Non-financial considerations clearly contribute to the decision to retire.

How do people spend their time before and after retirement?
How do people spend their time before and after retirement?

05 februar 2016
  • How do the elderly spend their time? How does time use of the elderly differ from younger people? This paper uses a technique developed by Nobel Prize winner Daniel Kahneman and his colleagues to address these questions for the situation in the Netherlands.