Procedural tools and pension reform in the long run: the case of Sweden
23 mars 2023-
Welfare state reform is understood to be risky, difficult and still ongoing. As such, there is a need for analytic tools that can aid understanding of how governments are able to overcome the various barriers they face in seeking change, and the challenges of managing complex and hybridised welfare arrangements. This article argues that the policy tools literature provides several promising avenues for doing so.
Trust in pension funds, or the importance of being financially sound
23 mars 2023-
Is the trust that participants have in their pension fund affected by its funding ratio (i.e., asset/liabilities ratio)? Based on survey, carried out in October 2021, among Dutch pension fund participants we link our survey data to the funding ratio of their pension fund as registered by the pension regulator.
Health among workers retiring after the state pension age: a longitudinal and comparative study
23 mars 2023-
In recent decades, many countries have observed increasing labor force participation beyond the state pension age (SPA). However, there is a lack of research on employment beyond SPA and how it relates to older workers’ health.
Veier ut av arbeidslivet. Senkarrierer og yrkesavgang
23 mars 2023-
Hvordan forløper overgangen fra et liv som yrkesaktiv til en tilværelse som fulltids pensjonist utenfor det betalte arbeidsmarkedet i dagens Norge?
Understanding pension saving among the selfemployed
09 mars 2023-
Private pension saving among the self-employed population in the UK has been falling dramatically over the last few decades, and this has led to a heightened policy focus on how to boost pension saving among this group.
Sosial bærekraft i systemet for alderspensjon
08 mars 2023
Fordelingseffekter av pensjonsreformen i 2011 er analysert ved hjelp av Statistisk sentralbyrås modell MOSART. Resultatene viser at den opprinnelige sterke omfordelingen gjennom folketrygdens alderspensjon er videreført.
Hva betyr økt levealder for den framtidige (potensielle) arbeidsstyrken?
08 mars 2023
Vi lever stadig lenger, og i Norge som i mange andre land, er det et politisk mål at flere skal stå lenger i arbeid, men hvordan vil den økte levetiden påvirke størrelsen og sammensetningen av den framtidige potensielle arbeidsstyrken?
Contribution of age, gender and occupational group to the higher risk of disability retirement among Finnish public sector employees
08 mars 2023-
The aim of this study was to examine the differences in disability retirement between public and private sector employees and to examine the contribution of age, gender and occupational group to the differences between the sectors.
Ageing and labor productivity
08 mars 2023-
In the present paper, the authors examines how a policy-induced increase in the number of elderly workers has affected labor productivity and age-specific labor demand within existing firms.
Late Work in Sweden: Exit Pathways Express Unequal Exclusion Risks
08 mars 2023
Based on Swedish National Registry Data, this paper investigates the social structure of exclusion risks in late working life in Sweden by analyzing exit from working life, employment breaks, and late employment trajectories according to gender and education.
Pensjonsforum 3. mars: Kjønnsgapet i pensjon
03 mars 2023-
Sysselsettingsraten blant kvinner i Norden er høy. Likevel er det et gap mellom kvinners og menns pensjoner som varierer fra 28 prosent i Sverige til 5 prosent på Island. Dette var tema på Pensjonsforum 3. mars.
Pensjonskassekonferansen, 22.-23. mai 2023
Konferansen finner sted på Scandic Oslo Airport, Gardermoen. 15 februar 2023-
Konferansen er for ansatte i pensjonskassene, styremedlemmer og andre som jobber med pensjonskasser. Konferansen er også relevant for offentlige myndigheter, ulike leverandører og organisasjoner